Home Education
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How it works
There is a growing community of families deciding that the traditional schooling route is not correct for their children. This may be for a number of reasons including time-constraints, social or academic concerns or something as simple as you wish for your child to learn in a more flexible and relaxed environment.
Here at Smarts Tuition, we run full time classes in the core subjects throughout the day and support the students in sitting their GCSE exams through private routes. At the end of their schooling with us, students can leave with a wide range of subjects, including Business Studies, Spanish & Sports as well as the core subjects of Maths, English & Science. We also offer external qualifications such as first aid.
Our students have the option of flexible study hours, part time timetables as well as the opportunity to sit exams early and reduce the stresses of Year 11. We learn in a home style classroom with classes of no more than 6 students at a time. This ensures that students have complete control over their own learning subjects and receive a consistent level of 1-2-1 support.
We work closely with a secondary school where our students sit their exams in private classrooms without the need to attend exam halls filled with hundreds of other candidates. The exams you choose to sit are fully decided between you, your child and myself and the luxury of home schooling is that there are very few constraints as to which subjects you sit and when.
We have a range of students from a variety of backgrounds, this offers the students social interactions with others who are of a similar mindset. Many students who have previously found the social side of school the most challenging part, excel when placed in a more inclusive learning environment.
Home schooling is a very personal and flexible option and usually requires many conversations to discuss all of your options. If this is something you are considering, please get in contact and I will try to answer all of your questions in as much detail as I can. Taking your child out of school can seem a daunting and alien concept, however there are many options available if this is a path you wish to consider, and it really isn’t as scary as you may think.